Yesterday afternoon I attended a seminar all about social media, and my use of it as a researcher. We heard some really great talks; Joe Nicholls talked about why it is so important to have a social media presence for current a future research careers. Lucy Collins then told us about Altmetrics, and how social media usage impact can be measured (very interesting!), which is as important as journal impact factors for publications!
Having heard some inspiring talks, and all about the other side of social media (when it goes wrong..), I decided that my social media presence was a good thing, and plan to continue this. As a result, I updated a few things on the web ( for one) and invested in a domain to tie things together: 🙂
Next is to keep up to date and interact more with experts in my field (which I do already – mainly on twitter) and decide how to best separate (if necessary) personal/professional social media..tough one that!
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